University Of Houston
Curricular Support Services
Curriculog - Curriculum Development and Approval System
Curriculog automates the process of curriculum revision and approval, helping the institution to provide transparency throughout the approval process, improve communication across campus about the development of curriculum, and by serving as the single location of historical records relating to decisions made for every request.
Accessing Curriculog
Only those with a UH faculty or staff affiliation will be able to view the curriculum change proposals.
**Login requires CougarNet credentials**
Please click the Login link to the top-right of this window to begin the login process. You will be redirected to a UH Single Sign-On portal. Enter your CougarNet credentials and click 'Sign in'. If you have faculty and/or staff affiliation you will be redirected to the UH Curriculog website and ready to use the system.
- If you do not have an affiliation with UH as a faculty or staff member, instead of being redirected to UH Curriculog you will receive an affiliation error. If you know this to be in error, please contact our office to help resolve the matter.
- If you entered incorrect CougarNet credentials, you will receive a login error message prompting you to enter the correct login credentials. Please try again to log in.
Training and Assistance:
- Curriculog Training website:
- OUR Curricular Support Services Team:
- Cassandra Heavrin, Sr Associate Registrar
- For questions regarding THECB reporting requirements, other than UH Core, please contact:
- For questions regarding THECB reporting requirements for UH Core, please contact:
- Dr. Heidi Kennedy in the Undergraduate Academic Affairs office.
- For proposal content development support, please contact:
- Undergraduate - Shonnita Leslie for the Undergraduate Committee.
- Graduate - Dr. Tashemia Jones in The Graduate School for the Graduate and Professional Studies Committee.
- Office of the Provost - Daniel Chang in Academic Program Planning.
Curricular Support Services
Office of the University Registrar
Please login to view your personal dashboard.
Login or password is incorrect. Please Try Again.
Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculum:
- = has not made a decision
- = approved
- = rejected
- = held
- = suspended
- = cancelled
- = multiple decisions
- = task
- = mine
- = stuck
- = urgent, out of date import source
You have selected
You can approve
your PIN
You have entered an incorrect PIN for your account. If you have forgotten your pin or don't have one, please contact an Administrator.
could not be approved